Our Original Content Catalog

No One Seems To Hear


Cityburgh Studios & Entertainment is an independent, original content production studio.
As a production studio, we create and produce our own motion picture entertainment content in the form of episodic web series, television series and features.
Check out our original content catalog.
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If you are interested in our Original Series content, and would like to receive a media kit, view a screener or discuss acquisitions for your channel or network, please, submit your contact details and we'll be in touch shortly.
You can also contact us directly by email at studiosales@cityburgh.com
Cityburgh Studios & Entertainment, LLC was established in 2010 and is located in Frisco, TEXAS. Cityburgh is a fully insured production company, digital solutions and marketing agency.
Phone: 214 554 2526
Email: studiosales@cityburgh.com
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